In essence Paul is saying, “I didn't come to you in a personally impressive way but rather in human weakness so that you would not trust in human abilities but in the power of God.” Christ. In the words of John the Baptist, “He (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30)

Lord, You must increase and I must decrease.  Please come and take complete possession of my soul.  Transform my mind and heart, guide my will, emotions and desires.  And allow me to become a holy instrument of Your divine life.  Jesus, I trust in You.

John says that he must decrease, he means that his own will, desires, ambitions, hopes, etc., must dissolve as Jesus takes over.  It means that all selfishness must be abandoned and selfless living must be the founding principle of our lives.  To “decrease” before God means we become humble.  Humility is a way of giving up everything not of God and allowing only God to shine through.

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